Android Apps on BlackBerry Playbook

OS 2.0 (Android) for BlackBerry Playbook was released, does this mean that BlackBerry software no longer coping up with the software trends for tablets?

OS 2.0 (Android) for BlackBerry Playbook was released, does this mean that BlackBerry software no longer coping up with the software trends for tablets?
RIM unveiled the new version of its OS for tablet previewed at the CES in early January. BlackBerry PlayBook 2.0 is now launched .
The main novelty of this new version? The appearance of push mail and Unified Messaging integrated into the OS. This was the main lack that plagued the first version, especially compared to the iPad, and who had not failed to be widely criticized. With a calendar, this application also allows to integrate contacts from accounts on social networks FaceBook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
But the group also confirms launch a gateway to Android, but not least: it is now possible to run applications originally designed for the Google OS on the PlayBook – via a Packager for BlackBerry called Android. It will be necessary to recompile an application for Android to run on BlackBerry playbook, which will undoubtedly be of interest to developers. However, it is not possible to install an application directly downloaded from the Android AndroidMarket.
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