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Posted on - 10/24/2011
Apple manufacturing company just released their new iPhone 4S in the market just this fall 2011 highlighting its new voice control feature which Android devices already have long before Apple did. Android operating system also leads Apple iOS by almost 20%. Why is then that iPhone 4S is still the best selling smartphone in the market despite the precedence of Android devices?
Android had it First,but iPhone Now Hits the First
Hello Dhinkz! Your question is very interesting. Well, Android may have the voice control feature and leads Apple IOS almost 20% but Apple is still the most trusted brand around the world. Apple' s UI (User Interface) is consistent and smooth compared to other brands. iPhone also support many more languages s along with specific input methods used by the people who speak those languages.Another thing why iPhone is still best seller because it has App Store, thinner, retina display is perfect, camera is clearer and you can easily shoot video and edit. In other words, iPhone has a better quality than any other smartphones like Android.