Android phone always shows ads in notification area

Asked By 90 points N/A Posted on -

My Android phone always shows ads in my notification area and this shows almost every day. Does it mean my phone is infected with a virus?

Best Answer by Kerosi Yap
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 5 points N/A #108244

Android phone always shows ads in notification area


No you are not affected with virus. There are some companies called Airpush and Sling labs that are offering developers to put their ads in the apps, maybe one of your application causes this notification ads to pop up to your notification bar, this may be an updates or notification to your app you may try uninstalling the app that you installed one by one to stop ads.

This are some application that causes notification ads to shows up.

  • Maildroid app
  • Google+ Lite app
  • Battery life app
  • Tapfish app
  • Word with Friend
  • SpeedBoost app
  • Pocket girlfriend app

If you have this then uninstall it. In case that it doesn’t work. There is a free application called AirPush detector that help you detect app that shows up ads. Go to this site. and choose the manual opt-out. Type your IMEI name and click submit. Then your problem is solved.

Answered By 0 points N/A #108245

Android phone always shows ads in notification area


Hi Jayson,

Do not worry, you're phone is not infected with a virus. Ads on Smart Phones are a very common problem. Honestly, they are really annoying when playing games, checking emails, browsing the mobile web and the sorts. Ads are brought on phones through downloading games and apps on the online market. 

One way of avoiding this is downloading ad-blocking apps. On the online market, there are a number of apps that promise to block all ads on your device. Some of the are :

1. AdAway

2. Netspector

3. Sniffer or Adblocker

4. AdFree Android

But they are only available on rooted phones. Blocking ads that arrive via an annoying push notification is more of a challenge if you don't want to root your Android phone. Still, you do have a few options. The first one is to avoid any applications that allow such ads in. It may sound obvious, but read the fine print, including user reviews, before installing any apps to your Android phone. If an offending app is already on your phone, but you're not sure which one it is, try an app such as AirPush Detector or Add-ons Detector, each of which can find ad-friendly apps living on your phone.                                                          
 Hope I was a lot of help. 

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