Android phones’ vulnerability to viruses

Is there already a virus that can infect android phones? How vulnerable is an android phone to viruses? Is it recommended to buy antivirus for android phones or not yet?

Is there already a virus that can infect android phones? How vulnerable is an android phone to viruses? Is it recommended to buy antivirus for android phones or not yet?
Yes, android phones can affect by the viruses. It could directly or indirectly effect the performance of phone. In most of cases effected phone restart again and again. For antivirus, you can get the same from "Market", there are so many anti viruses uploaded there free and few has some charges.Â
Hi Zanjoe,
Yes, there are many viruses available to infect an android phone.
They can be very dangerous for your android phone if they access the right kind of permissions from the android operating system.Â
I would recommend you to have a anti virus software for your android phone. I would say you should go for avast! antivirus.
It is free and highly effective. It also has a free anti-theft system.
Know more about avast! mobile security Link
Hope this helps!
Drianna allen
No, there are no reports yet of a virus affecting an Android Smartphone or smart device or a so called Android virus. But there are Android apps that impose great risk on the data on your phone. These are called malware. It is not a virus that infects other applications on the phone or the operating system of the device. It is a type of application that can collect valuable information from your device.
It can also direct you to another website that offers downloads of different software. Sometimes the app itself displays various ads fed by an ad service. The worst that can happen if you accidentally installed a malware app is hack your bank account. There is a new scary malware called Android.Bankosy that affects devices running on Android mobile operating system.
What the malware does is misdirect the phone calls coming from the bank automated phone call to the hackers. The only problem here is that, they have to know your login or username and password first before they can get the bank to call them. The bank automated phone call is often used as an authentication before you can login to your account.