Asked By
zack lee
10 points
Posted on - 02/23/2013
Hi there,
I have recently downloaded the NBA game time from android time. I know a bit of java, so I ask can I use android sdk for modifying nba game time?. I don't think there would be any problem since the license is GPL , thus meaning open source. All I am concerned with is will the android sdk be enough or some other methods are needed like for example a android sdk nba game time plugin?
Android SDK modifying NBA Game Time
I do not think so, You won't be able to make much of a change, Now this game which is SDK NBA TIME game app, is collaborated with NBA (National Basketball league), Plus it's Android developer effort to stop other's to make any big changes, However, You'll be able to make few changes, Now I'm sending you a link from where you can have more information about the game.