Hi there,
This is the error that I have when I want to solve. I can’t pass this and it worked OK until now when I want to enter in the Management Console. Any ideas ? Why if I click the OK button the error appears again ?
Thank you !
BitDefender Management Console – Connecting to server…
Another console is connected to the server. Using several consoles connected at the same time can have unpredictable results.
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Another console is connected to the server
Most definitely, you’ve closed the Console without discontinuing the session. If you did so, such error will appear. Closing the Console with the “X” button on the top-right corner means that the Console session wasn’t closed successfully and so showing the error.
So as to fix this issue, you have to disconnect the session of Management Console and then start a new one. Just disconnect the current one, and start newly.
Your problem should disappear forever.