We want to ask what are your objectives for late 2011 and early 2012, however, we need to know what is your expectation in the community of IT knowledge Exchange. If a feature you'd like to see, or a subject matter you want to know more, let us discuss in the conference room and do not be afraid to be specific. For your problem, we will give you 150 points of knowledge only to help keep the community in the best form.
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It is very tough to answer this question. Here I point out some hints. It’s my personal thinking.
First of all, need advanced research on Artificial Intelligence sector that produces intelligence robot.
I would like to see intelligence search engine that helps us to search anything with more specific manner.
Need to appreciate open source platform in Information Technology sector. Â Thanks.
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Hi Roberts A Raymond
Well there are many expectation related to IT knowledge exchange.
First of all there should be some high level research on cloud computing over the entire world to focus on it and try to make it more secure in future.
Second is definitely related to Artificial Intelligence. What I want is try to focus on Artificial Intelligence related to medical field. Make Strong base for the medical in future which would help a lot of people to make their thinking innovative produce creativity in medical over the entire world.
Johnstoon Leen