Home page of any antivirus site not opening in any browser while all other sites are working fine.
When the search page with antivirus key words not loading

Home page of any antivirus site not opening in any browser while all other sites are working fine.
When the search page with antivirus key words not loading
If you can't get access in any Antivirus website it means you are already affected. It is possible that Spyware or other malicious software (Malware) is the cause of your problems in connection. The antivirus and security software you have may not identify the malicious software so you need to install and run a different anti-malware application.
You can also browse a discussion thread which focuses on detecting and eradicating malicious software from any computer.
Though it is my first time to hear a case like this where you are not allowed to open any antivirus websites but other websites not related to antivirus are working and accessible, it is an obvious indication that a malware is doing this on your computer. Since opening an antivirus website is not possible on your computer, visit Sophos Virus Removal Tool using a different computer.
Once downloaded, copy the installer to the infected computer and then run it there. Make sure the computer is connected to the internet because the installation requires internet access. Once the installation is complete, it will automatically update its virus database. Wait until it is finished then start scanning your machine.
The Sophos Virus Removal Tool is best used on computers that are already infected. After the first scan, repeat the scan until no more infection is detected. The tool is good only for 2 months. After that it will expire and stop working. If you wish to continue using it, you need to uninstall the tool and download the latest version.