Antivirus scan from faceBook ?

Is it true that FaceBook is launching new antivirus tool.
When it will be launched and please let me know whether this tool is free or we need to purchase.

Is it true that FaceBook is launching new antivirus tool.
When it will be launched and please let me know whether this tool is free or we need to purchase.
You can actually download an antivirus tool from FaceBook, indeed FaceBook goes into partnership with something like 5 antivirus editors.Â
You can get a test version at this link :
Hope to have helped you
Hi there user:
FaceBook teamed-up to AVG but there’s no said date. It’s the same as you install antivirus on your personal computers, you will just need to update it to your FaceBook account.
I heard it’s AVG, but FaceBook, I’m sure teaming – up currently for more, not just one (1).
You can purchase it in the Marketplace on FaceBook.
Thanks for asking,
According to a post in their Facebook Security page on July 11, 2012, Facebook has been focusing on helping users avoid malware. Malware is the short term for malicious software. They are programs installed on a user’s device to interrupt normal operations, gain access to a system, and or gather personal info.
For the past several years, they have built up systems that can practically recognize spam and other malicious content posted on Facebook by user devices that were infected with malware. Once they identify a possible infection, the user will be notified and provide an antivirus product free of charge that is capable of cleaning the user’s device.
If you think your device may have been infected by malware, you can visit Facebook Infected MSE or Facebook Infected McA to be self-enrolled in either their McAfee Scan and Repair or Microsoft Security Essentials malware checkpoints. Earlier that year, on April, Facebook has launched the Facebook Anti-Virus Marketplace to help protect users and their devices against malware and viruses.
The Facebook Anti-Virus Marketplace provides free antivirus from the industry’s leaders. They also made major improvements to their external blacklist system to give better protection for users against harmful websites that can download virus directly to their computer.