Any files saved from net it saves as PDF

Hi All,
Any files saved from net it saves as PDF
No matter what file i save it saves by default in PDF.
Is there any know issue. How can i fix this

Hi All,
Any files saved from net it saves as PDF
No matter what file i save it saves by default in PDF.
Is there any know issue. How can i fix this
It is happening so because of some virus or bug in your computer. First of all I advise you to use Internet Download Manger as your default downloading manager of windows. It is very reliable download manger with enhanced downloading speed. You can download it from
Moreover you can scan your computer with an effective Anti-Virus to catch and remove viruses and bugs in your Computer.
The third trick is to use your file with its affiliated program; you can go to folder options to unhide extensions of your files.
Then you can edit extensions yourself. For instance you have download an MP3 song with extension pdf. You can change extension from pdf to mp3. To do so you have to rename your desired file and it is as same as you rename your normal files. You only have to change what’s written after dot (.).
Best of Luck!!!
This is a very weird issue. Since the first time I’ve learned how to use the internet long time ago, this is my first time to learn of an issue that a web browser saves all downloads as PDF format. With my internet browsing experience, I think I’ve already used almost all popular browsers on the net like Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari for Microsoft Windows, Maxthon, and Microsoft Internet Explorer.
But none of these web browsers exhibit a similar behavior like the one you have. It is very odd that a web browser saves a file as PDF because when you download a file from a website, the web browser automatically acquires the format from the original linked file. If the linked file is an EXE file (.exe), the browser automatically saves it in EXE format or with a “.exe” extension.
If the linked file is an image or a picture, the browser will give you options to save it as either JPG (.jpg) or PNG (.png) format. In Opera, when downloading a content the browser adds “.opdownload” to the original file name of the file while it is being downloaded. Let’s say you are downloading Google Chrome, your download will be named as “ChromeSetup.exe.opdownload” while you are downloading it.
When the download is complete, Opera automatically renames it back to the original file “ChromeSetup.exe” discarding the “.opdownload” extension. If your browser is behaving like that, check if you have a virus on your computer. Update your antivirus then run a full system scan on your machine. If you did find a virus, use Sophos Virus Removal Tool to remove the virus.
In case there is no infection on your computer, the problem maybe is with the browser itself. Use a different web browser. Try Opera for Computers. The page normally downloads a web installer. If you prefer an offline or standalone installer, click on the link that says “Download the offline package” below the “Download now” button. For Mozilla Firefox, visit Firefox Free Download.
For Google Chrome, visit Download Chrome.