Asked By
Dawn Knopf
40 points
Posted on - 08/07/2012
I have installed a package of Kaspersky Anti Virus 2013 but I don't know how to configure the internet protection or Geo Filter? Does anybody help me on this or send me a link for a complete instruction details? Thank you…
Any help on Geo Filter in Kaspersky 2013
If you have installed "Kaspersky Anti Virus 2013" that means you are using a MAC, and for all configuration requirements and installation steps you'll find it here:
Otherwise if you are using "Kaspersky Anti Virus 2012" for Windows it's here:
And for the "Geo Filter" you'll find your solution here:
Any help on Geo Filter in Kaspersky 2013
Open your Application's Main Window by Double click on the Icon.
Then click on "settings button" On the Top Right Corner of the application window along with the "Reports button".
then some settings categories will appear like, "General Settings" , "File Anti-Virus" , "Mail Antivirus" , "Web Antivirus" and many more.
you have to choose "Web Antivirus"
Here is a check box "Enable Web Antivirus" Mark it and see below it, a slider is appeared by Default it is on "Recommended" just below it a "Settings…" Button is available. click on it
 A new window will appear having 5 Tabs "General" , "Safe Surf" , "Geo Filter" , "Trusted URLs" , "Online Banking"
You Choose Geo Filter Then see down and Mark in Check Box "Enable Filtering by Regional Domain"
A box will appear below select your desired Domain of which settings you want to change. Click on desired domain below and click on "Allow" , "Block" Or "Trusted" what you want to do…