Any idea about qr code analyze delphi

Is there any possibility to provide a general explanation about qr code analyze delphi please ?
Thank you so much.

Is there any possibility to provide a general explanation about qr code analyze delphi please ?
Thank you so much.
QR codes are explicit barcodes which achieved recognition for the period after launching cell phones including scanning option in the camera for getting further features about goods, trade, occasion, web links etc.
These codes are applied for encoding information. Now- a- days, almost every smart phones include this option for reading QR codes.
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The QR code, also known as Quick Response code is a series of bars and boxes referred to as a matrix barcode. It was first developed in Japan for the automotive industry as a quick method of tracking products on a production line.
QR code can be read and decoded by QR readers which are readily available on the internet. These tools work in conjunction with cameras on devices like phones to relay more information about a product.