Any ideas how to extract images from fla?

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I have a big quantity of vector graphics in libraries stored and loaded as FLA files. I need to extract images from fla without manual copy and pasting them onto the stage because it is the huge amount of work. Probably, it can be done by creating the export of jpg files from Flash. I have an idea that there has to be utility for reading fla files and exporting them. Are there any suggestions about that? 

Answered By 30 points N/A #167438

Any ideas how to extract images from fla?

Dear Gutierrez Ryan,
The FLA file is a flash project. You have to open this file in flash studio mix software if you want to extract all images as 
jpeg files into your computer.
Please open your flash program and open the FLA file into this software.
Now select all images that you want to extract.
You can select images by moving time line. But it is better to extract one by one.
Select one image and click on 'file' in menu bar. Click on export and a dialoge box will appear.
Type a name for the jpeg image file and click on save button.
Your file is now extracted.
Same method will be repeated to extract all other.
I hope you have understood.

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