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Posted on - 10/08/2011
I am looking for the open source web defect tracking tool. Is there such tool available which do not require any
kind of installation/setup or database setup (like MySQL ) on client machine. ? It should be atleast for 5-10 users.
Kindly suggest if any.
Any opensource web defect tracking tool available
There are lots of bug/ defect tracking software. These are the best software’s that I found out.
That has 2 parts
· The server
· The client
This is the software that Mozilla Foundation supported/developed bug tracking system. It allows to keep track of outstanding bugs in their product effectively
This is an improved wiki and issue tracking system
Mantis Bug Tracker
This is a tracking system, written in PHP and works with MySQL, MS SQL, and PostgreSQ.
About the installation, No there is no software do not require any kind of installation/setup or database setup. Specially in web base bug tracking software you need to connect with databases.