Any tool that can convert .exe in mp3 online?

Asked By 30 points N/A Posted on -

I have heard that there is a tool that can convert .exe in mp3 online, am wondering could this be a malware or such tools do exist.

Some help please.

Best Answer by ArinaBaker
Answered By 0 points N/A #146174

Any tool that can convert .exe in mp3 online?


Hello my friend, there is really a tool that can convert .exe to mp3.

But my advice to you is never accept a mp3 in .exe format it might cause a problem to your computer.

Here is a converter that will convert MP3 to exe:

Hope this help you.


Answered By 10 points N/A #146176

Any tool that can convert .exe in mp3 online?


.exe is executable file that is used to run a program and not to play music like files but there are converters that are being used for some specific purposes.

Smith Thompson

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #146177

Any tool that can convert .exe in mp3 online?



There are tools that can assist you in converting an .exe to a Mp3. 

I have found a couple websites that offer free downloads they are listed below:

Once you have downloaded either software package, just load your Mp3 and the program will walk you through the process of the conversion.

Answered By 30 points N/A #146178

Any tool that can convert .exe in mp3 online?


Every solution suggested here is just fantastic. Rute Barga, the link you provided is excellent and I got a solution that does just what I wanted.

After visiting the link I also learned a few things that I did not know prior to this.

Now having downloaded this Software I am able to finish my task with much ease.

Many thanks to the team and Rute Barga.


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