I have Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit and want to install Solidworks 2008 x64. Does anybody know how to install without any complications? Any kind of help regarding installation of Solidworks 2008 x64 will be appreciated.
Anybody help me to install Solidworks 2008 x64?
To install Solidworks on x64 PC, follow the instructions below:
1. Download and install Orca.
2. Search for the English_i386_SolidWorks.msi under the swwidatafolder and then right-click it and select Edit with Orca.
3. Under the Launch Condition Node on the left pane, edit and change the "Not" to "Or".
4. Save and then run Solid Works.
Anybody help me to install Solidworks 2008 x64?
Halo Matland Maud
Yes I know how to install Solid-works 2008 x64. I am writing step by step how to install it.
step 1 : First you have to download and install Orca MSI Editor
Download link : https://www.technipages.com/download-orca-msi-editor
Step 2 : Now open English_i386_Solidwork.MSI inside solid work setup file.Its should be in Solid-works 2008 Office Premium SP 3.0 w COSMOSswwidata
Step 3 : In this step you have to change 'not' to 'or' in 'lunch condition'. In that line do you see"x64 operating systems are incompatible/not supported” written…..
Step 4 : If you have installed any anti virus, then uninstall that.
Step 5 : Now you should apply the updates after installing solid-work.
After completing the above steps, the SolidWorks will now run on x64-based PC.
Washington Michael