Apache not showing custom Error Pages

Hi TechyV buddies!
I am having some problems in running my Linux server apache 2.2.22.
I am encountering these custom error pages that located in ‘/var/wwwerror/’.
The setup is a Virtual Directory called ‘/error/’.
The following lines are in my Apache configuration:
errorDocument 404/error/404.htm
errorDocument 401/error/401.htm
errorDocument 500/error/500.htm
The lines above are stored in my main HTTPD together with my Virtual Directory.
When I try to open a directory that is not in my server, I always encounter an error message in my browser page.
However, when I try not to enable on a specific server, I always end up returning to 401 error pages which does not work when I open 404 or 405 pages.
Could you help me configure these problems?
I would really appreciate any ideas that will make my problem solved.
If there are any questions in the problems I have encountered or any clarification just let me know.
Thank you!