Freshly, I shifted my website so far from Apache running on Windows XP Professional, with a less advanced powered Windows Server 2008, by utilizing IIS 7.0. Unluckily, the switch to IIS 7.0 was not a simple one at least. Apache was a little solid to select up initially, although minimum roughly every one of the configurations were accumulated in a middle text file that could be simply edited, and was extremely configurable.
And also, you installed Apache, (and PHP 5) inserted conservatory in the httpd file, pointed again the house list, and some additional slight configurations (.htaccess for example) and it just worked. With IIS 7.0, that is a different story. Uploaded is an image of the error message which I receive every time when I attempt and load a mindmap. If someone with knowledge about this issue, reply with a free mind.
Could not open URl http://…/Mindmap,blender,
Apache running on Windows XP Professional
Hi John,
Make sure that the administrative rights are set for you as an administrator on the computer you are installing IIS 7. You do not have administrative privileges by default if you are logged in as a user. This new security feature in Windows Server 2008 is called Local User Administrator. You may find all the information about IIS at the most obvious place on itself.
Apache running on Windows XP Professional
Make sure that FreeMind is properly installed. Get the new FreeMind version. Also uninstall the previous version. Click setup and follow the instructions provided on-screen. Start all Search services. Reindex catalogs using FreeMind. Always remember FreeMind files are not searchable in Windows XP so it may require additional setup. I hope this solves your problem.