The Apple iPhone 5 Case

Even though the Apple iPhone 5 is not yet release, I was excited to see its case. What is the interesting features of the case of this sixth generation of Apple phone?

Even though the Apple iPhone 5 is not yet release, I was excited to see its case. What is the interesting features of the case of this sixth generation of Apple phone?
O my God,
So many people are asking this same thing. The release of the new casing video has simply created a spur in the iPhone fans. Nothing is sure at this moment but here are the rumored specs.
The iPhone will be running iOS 6 boasts Darwin Kernel Version 13.0.0. You might also see that the processor is an ARM S5L8950X. Interestingly, the full release above the most current developer version of MAC OS 10.8 Mountain Lion.
The XNU build in iPhone 5 is also higher (21XX vs. 2050.5.8): It possibly has a low powered dual core processor just like iPad 2.
The new iPhone also features something entirely new. It has a GPU chip. The GPU chip, which will continue to be part of the SoC, is called “SGX543RC*” (the asterisk is another sensitive number that could identify people working on the device). This GPU technically does not exist yet and we don’t have specs.
The iPhone 5 will now have 1 GB of RAM, which seems to do well for the new iPad.
This unit runs 6.0 seed 10A33X with iBoot version iBoot-153x.x (iOS 5.* has an iBoot version of iBoot-12xx.x.x, depending on the device and version). It is much taller then the previous version.