There has been lot of anticipation with Apples’ iOS 6. But some people are saying that the new OS has some applications that are quite disappointing. For example The Apple maps. It does not have much detail. Can you please tell me how this application differs from Google map? How Apple is going to treat this issue? Â
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Tak Wuv
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Apple maps- a disappointment ??
The Apple maps and the Google maps both are quite similar. Both capture the images by using fleets of airplanes while fly different cities of various countries. Both technologies allow rendering images in real time, enabling end user to view images via different angles and elevations. The Apple Map has some flaws when compared to Google maps. Some of these are:
1. Google Maps gives you more information in terms of street names, street directions and subway stops.
2. Traffic on Apple Maps appears incomplete
3. Satellite view has less information when compared with Google Map
4. No Street View feature.
Apple Map is lacking a lot of features that make Google Maps vast.