Apple new iPad uses SHA

Hello There,
Hope this can help. SHA or Super High Aperture is a pixel design which is a new structure added by Apple to its latest iPad. SHA increases the aperture ratio with an acrylic resin layer that plan arises or makes the device more flat and separates signal pixels thus giving a higher resolution display than the other iPad. In addition, the latest iPad has twice as many LEDs for backlighting to support the doubling of the pixel density and with this, they also need to increase their power consumption thus, the latest iPad is much thicker and heavier compared to the previous one. For a concrete detailed image of the latest structure, here is an image.
Thank you.
SHA stands for Secure Hash Algorithm and is one of the cryptographic hash functions created by the National Institute of Standards and Technology and matches the Federal Information Processing Standard of the United State of America. It is a series of 5 different cryptographic functions and has 3 generations at present, they are: SHA-1, SHA-2, and SHA-3.
SHA-1 is the basic 160-bit hash function and is similar to MD5. The organization responsible for the establishment of this function is the National Security Agency [NSA] and it has a primary role as a branch of the Digital Signature Algorithm. This type of encryption is commonly used on security protocols such as TLS, PGP, SSH, and SSL. To know more about SHA-2 and also SHA-3, you may visit SecPoint® | What is SHA Encryption?