Is Apple no longer supporting RSS feeds

I hear that the new Safari will no longer support RSS feed. I sort of liked that feature do I have to get a new browser if this is true.Â

I hear that the new Safari will no longer support RSS feed. I sort of liked that feature do I have to get a new browser if this is true.Â
Hi Danny,
The RSS feed in Safari is already lost. But the apple is still promotes RSS feeds. Maybe they will go to return that again.Â
I think if you can’t wait, you should get a new browser for now so that the lost of RSS will not affect your task.
Dear User,
In lion safari, you can see the RSS button whenever you landed on a website that has and capable of RSS feed. This way you can quickly subscribe to the feed. Â Simple as a click
But however in the Mountain Lion Doesn’t include that button. Nevertheless it supports RSS feed. A developer in red Sweater software has creates a solution for this. This is simply an extension.
This adds a handy button to the toolbar whenever a page offers RSS or Atom feeds while browsing.
You can see more about it in here,
 Thank you