Apple patent for MacBook Air

Hey, Do you know this Apple has got patent for their MacBook Air. As, Other vendors are trying to copy this MacBook air. Do anyone have information about which all vendors are copying this MacBook?

Hey, Do you know this Apple has got patent for their MacBook Air. As, Other vendors are trying to copy this MacBook air. Do anyone have information about which all vendors are copying this MacBook?
Yes it is now the sixth patent awarded to MacBook Air.
Ultrabook makers trying to copy the look and feel of the MacBook Air could be headed for some patent trouble.
The patent uses "ornamental design," to describe it however the name MacBook Air is not mentioned anywhere but the picture along with it matches MacBook Air. This term could easily be used as ammunition to thwart other vendors who veer too close to the look and feel of the MacBook Air.
Of course, not all ultrabook makers are trying to copy MacBook Air but others who steer too close to the MacBook Air may get their wrists slapped. CEO Tim Cook himself has hinted that ultrabook makers trying to mimic the Air may be headed for rough waters.
Taipei-based Pegatron which is making Asus zenbook is one of the copy cat. HP Ultrabook is another copy of MacBook Air.
AirBook is the most awesome.
Yes it is now the sixth patent awarded to MacBook Air.
Ultrabook makers trying to copy the look and feel of the MacBook Air could be headed for some patent trouble.
The patent uses "ornamental design," to describe it however the name MacBook Air is not mentioned anywhere but the picture along with it matches MacBook Air. This term could easily be used as ammunition to the other vendors who veer too close to the look and feel of the MacBook Air.
Of course, not all ultrabook makers are trying to copy MacBook Air but others who steer too close to the MacBook Air may get their wrists slapped. CEO Tim Cook himself has hinted that ultrabook makers trying to mimic the Air may be headed for rough waters.
Taipei-based Pegatron which is making Asus zenbook is one of the copy cat. HP Ultrabook is another copy of MacBook Air.
AirBook is the most awesome copy of MacBook Air and is just way too similar that it actually baffles you. I personally love it.