Apple’s over-priced eBooks and what are they?
How will the market react to the stiff decision of Apple after being sued for over-pricing their eBooks? What are the books that are being over-priced by Apple and 5 other publishers?
How will the market react to the stiff decision of Apple after being sued for over-pricing their eBooks? What are the books that are being over-priced by Apple and 5 other publishers?
Apple and other publishers which include Macmillan, Simon & Schuster, Harper Collins and other publishers have been sued for overpricing their e – books by the United States government. For the past two years it has been costing consumers around $ 100 million in cash. In the recent years e- books have not been bought as from the year 2000 because the sells have now skyrocketed.
These publishers have raised he prices of e- books from one dollar to around five dollars. The increase of e- books is mainly due to the introduction of the i Pad by apple because of the ease of reading an eBook with this device. Now we will start to see cheaper prices for the e – books.