Hello people,
I just got my first iMac and I love it and downloaded and installed the usual things, I was using when I was on Windows but I see a lot of people in the community saying good things about pieces of software like iStat, the widget and I'm wondering if its safe to get it.
Can it cause any damage or so on to the Mac, in any way like viruses or other malicious things? I was very careful on Windows because I wanted to stay as safe as possible and was very careful with what I get over the Internet and I'm still a bit paranoid about all the viruses and other malicious stuff from the Windows platform.
If anyone can give me a bit of feedback on the personal use of the Widget iStat,and if its trusted to be a legit piece of software it would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks and all the best.Â
Answered By
0 points
Is it safe to use iStat Widget?
Mac viruses recently existed but there are only a few viruses that target the Mac OS compared to Windows. Even though they are few, it doesn’t mean that your Mac will not be susceptible to it. To make sure that your Mac will be safe from any threats I suggest that you use Antivirus software such as Norton AV Dual Protection Mac.
And regarding your Istat, I found this thread about iStat that it uses 98% of your CPU, so your Mac might be slower (also a waste of power, if you use your CPU more than you need). Another alternative widget that you might be interested, in is the MenuMeters. It also has the same functionality as iStat and best of all its FREE!
I hope this solution helps you.
Answered By
0 points
Is it safe to use iStat Widget?
It is strongly recommend that you use the estate pro. It monitors your CPU, hard drive, IP and external IP's, temperatures and fans, battery, CPU temperatures, bandwidths, uptime. A built in update will allow you to find all the updates for all components in it.
It is said that the iMac is protected from vulnerable things. But not all operating system is really 100% safe from such kind of things. Using an Antivirus can be an extra benefit, especially when you run Windows on your Mac, have connected with other Windows computers, when you use Microsoft Office more frequently.
ClamXav is a freeware Antivirus for Mac. To avoid spyware practicing "safe surfing" is a precautionary way and in addition MacScan is a good free spyware for Mac.
Thank you.