Asked By
ave broers
70 points
Posted on - 11/27/2014
I was planning to run every day with Apple Watch as I did not want to run with my iPhone 6 Plus. Since it doesn’t have its own GPS, I would like to know how I can measure the distance. Will the distance be calculated by the accelerometer or motion chip? Does anyone have more information about this? Apple Watch without its own GPS? How to calculate distance?
Answered By
Leon Fra
5 points
Apple Watch without its own GPS? How to calculate distance?
Hi Ave,
The apple watch comes with its own health and fitness or “Workout” app that performs a real time measurement of time, distance, calories, pace, and speed when you go running, walking and cycling. At each workout session you can set your exercise goals and retrieve a summary of your achievements for select workout sessions.
Alternatively, you can install a compatible app that you can tailor to your additional running needs.