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Posted on - 10/20/2011
Just for interest,
I don't use any apple computer or laptop.
But still i want to know about the apple software and that is, Can i convert any apple mac software in to windows software or can i do the same for windows to mac/apple software.
Can anyone know or tell me the process?
Apple/Mac software conversion to Windows
Hi Akash11,
Yes, It is really possible to convert the apple/mac to windows. But it is a very long process and you will need a lot of patience to do it. The first you must do is to extract the archive files. How?
These are the steps:
1. You have to download a software capable of extracting archive files.
You have to launch stuffit expander
On the menu – Click open and look for the archive files
Then select the files and select expand-extract in the menu
If you followed the directions correctly the extracted files will appear in the selected folder. You just have to " Extract Dialog and click browse and choose the selected folder and then click ok.
Close the stuffit if the extraction done already.
2. Now lets convert the Apple/Mac in to windows format
We just need a lot of programs like IconPro, ArtIcons, IconXP to continue. All of these can be found at the Macintosh icons and will convert those to windows formats in just a minute.
you have to add the icon in the library by drag-in drop into the program window.
Then transfer the New Image Format with the help of ArtIcons Pro, AconLover or IconXP
Don't forget to save the new formatted Icons after deleting the unwanted Icons.
3. Last, Extract the Icon from the Archive
You will need a program which is called TURBOZIP(version 5.0)
Then install the program and click to open. At the program panel you have to choose *.hqx in the file.
Hope this might help you.