While using my JDK I attempted to start my applet, but as I gave the command to execute it, an error occurred saying “application blocked by java security” in a pop up of Java application blocked. How can I resolve this error?
Applet Or Java Web Start Application Is Blocked
If you run an application through a browser and receive security alerts that the application is blocked, check the following:
• Ensure that the JAR manifest attributes are correctly set for the environment in which the application is running. The permissions attribute is required. Check it in NetBeansIDE-> project->file->manifest.mf.
• Make sure that the application is signed with a valid certificate and that it is in the signer’s certificate authority store.
• If you are running a local applet, configure a web server for testing. You can also add your application to the list of managed exception sites on the Security tab of the Java Control Panel.