Application Error 0xc06d007f and 0x77e55e02.

Hi! Techyv people,
My post here is about an Internet Explorer error. This error message just appeared on my screen while I was working on an online worksheet, and halted.

Thanks a lot.

Hi! Techyv people,
My post here is about an Internet Explorer error. This error message just appeared on my screen while I was working on an online worksheet, and halted.
Thanks a lot.
Hi! There,
I think your problem seems to be that your system of Internet Explorer has been corrupted or deleted in someway.
Try reinstalling the Internet Explorer. You can get it on this link.
If the problem still happens try using another browser to surf the web like Mozilla, Firefox or Opera and also Google Chrome.
They are much better than Internet Explorer. You will find them all on this link or search them on Google.
Hope this helps you with your problem.
If this is the first time you encountered this problem, try restarting your system then try again. If the same thing happened, check your computer for any possible errors. Use a disk utility application to check the system. For a much thorough diagnostics on the system, use a disk utility application like Norton Utilities, PC Tools Performance Toolkit, or Norton SystemWorks. If you didn’t find any problem in the file system of the drive, try scanning your machine for possible virus infection. Update your antivirus then run a full system scan on your computer. Don’t forget to scan the folder System Volume Information located in the root of every drive. It’s a hidden system folder so you need to make some changes in the Folders Option to make it visible.
You may also try upgrading the current version of Microsoft Internet Explorer you have. If you are using the default version of Internet Explorer of your Windows, you really need to upgrade it. Or, just use other web browsers like Opera, Google Chrome, Netscape, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, and others.