Applications to Convert PDF Files to Word Files

What are the free downloadable applications available to convert PDF files to Word files and vice versa?

What are the free downloadable applications available to convert PDF files to Word files and vice versa?
There are two ways in which you can convert PDF files to Word and vice versa: through desktop apps or online. There are a lot of available services and freeware online. Here are some of them:
Adobe’s CreatePDF does not only convert files to PDF, but also includes features to save PDF files to Word Files (.docx) or if you just want to convert your PDF files to editable Word Files exclusively, You can have Export PDF exclusive.
Some PDF to Word Converter. A freeware that I found on Adobe forums – It offers fast and flexible handling of text but if your original document contains a lot of image and formatting—you converted will look less likely than the original.
PDF to Word. Another freeware that can convert your PDF file to Word, PDF to text. You can also edit and reuse your PDF file and can still preserve the layout even after it’s converted.
Word to PDF. A Word to PDF software that does not only convert your Word Files to PDF but also vice versa. Like PDF to Word, It preserves the original layout of your document.
I’m sure you can find lots of different software if you will do a simple search either from Google or other search engine for a program that can convert PDF files to Microsoft Office Word. And not only that, there is also a way of converting different Microsoft Office documents to PDF format. One example is the A-PDF Word to PDF which converts Microsoft Office Word documents to PDF format. It supports files like .txt, .docx, .doc, .rtf, .wri, and more created from Microsoft Office Word 97, 2000, 2003, and 2007.
To use A-PDF Word to PDF, you must be using Windows NT 4, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7 both 32-bit and 64-bit and you have at least Microsoft Office Word 97. The software also requires Ghostscript to work which you can also download for free. To download A-PDF Word to PDF, you may visit A-PDF – Affordable PDF Tools | A-PDF Word to PDF. It costs $39.
Opposite to what A-PDF Word to PDF can do, you can also convert PDF files to Microsoft Office Word format using Smart PDF Converter. It works on Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7 and costs $39.90. You can download it from SmartSoft | PDF to DOC Converter – Convert PDF to Word, Excel and more.
Screenshot of A-PDF Word to PDF.
Screenshot of Smart PDF Converter.