I am just trying to add an APT line of the repository using Ubuntu Software but I get the following dialog box. I really have no idea to resolve this problem. I need your help to fix this issue as you can see the whole error image. I have consulted from the internet and could not get any assistance. Any help would be really appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Enter the complete APT line of the repository that you want to add as source
The APT line includes the type, location and components of a respiratory, for Example ‘deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ raring main’
APT line of the repository error
APT stands for Advanced Packaging Tool and apt-get is the command-line tool that works with it. The apt-get command is a powerful command-line tool for Ubuntu’s APT. It executes functions like installation of new software packages, updating the package list index, upgrading existing software, and especially it can be used to update or upgrade the whole Ubuntu system.
The use of the apt-get command has several advantages compared to other package management tools accessible in Ubuntu for server administrators. Several of the advantages include simplicity of application over simple terminal connections like SSH, and its capacity to be applied in system administration scripts which, on the other hand, can be automated using cron scheduling utility.
I think you entered the APT line incorrectly in the field that’s why you received an error. You forgot to put the command “deb” at the beginning of your line. If that’s the correct line that should be entered, it should be written like this:
deb ppa:pmjdebruijn/darktable-release-plus
Here’s another example of an APT line that uses deb:
deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy main restricted
“deb” are the repositories that contain binaries and or pre-compiled packages that are required for most users. “http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/” is the Uniform Resource Identifier or URI that is sometimes an internet address. “hardy” is the release name of the distribution or simply the version. “main” and “restricted” are the components or the section names.
If there are several section names, they should be separated by spaces. PPA, the command you used in your line, stands for Personal Package Archive. It is a technique of distributing software to users without the need for developers to undertake full distribution process in the chief Ubuntu repositories. It might also help if you visit Ubuntu Repositories.