Are luxury brands relying too heavily on Facebook

Are luxury brands relying too heavily on Facebook apps?
Can You tell me the answer of the above question immediately?

Are luxury brands relying too heavily on Facebook apps?
Can You tell me the answer of the above question immediately?
Yes brands are using Facebook to promote their brands.
Facebook is very effective way of marketing and advertising brands and products. Companies created their pages to promote their brands and daily updates make awareness of their products. Local companies also advertise their brands on region where they belong too.
So this make Facebook so popular way of advertising their brands. Even there are other way to advertise brands like Google, YouTube, daily motions etc.
But in Facebook there are certain mean of advertising even page creation is free of cost, that is why Facebook is most popular mean.
Because Facebook is very popular in today’s networking world, it is the best platform for introducing your product and or services. Even if there are countries in the world that blocks or somewhat limit their people from accessing this social networking site, their number are very less compared to the number of countries that have total access to the site.
And I know, even if Facebook already outrun Friendster and other social networking sites, I don’t think different businesses will only rely on this website for support.
There are actually different websites where businesses can launch their platforms for introducing different products and services and these include Yahoo!, MySpace, Google, Facebook, and more.
It is not wise and practical to only focus your advertisements to one particular channel only. It will limit the growth of your company to only one side of the industry and to think there are enormous opportunities in the web that are only waiting for you to explore and introduce yours.