Are there any programs that can convert texts to lotus notes?

I found a converter tool while surfing the internet. It converts your emails on outlook express to lotus notes.
Are there any other programs that can convert other texts to lotus notes?

I found a converter tool while surfing the internet. It converts your emails on outlook express to lotus notes.
Are there any other programs that can convert other texts to lotus notes?
Are you looking for the Lotus Notes Text Export Converter :
I had a hard time finding a program that will convert texts to Lotus Notes. What I found is a script that can convert Lotus Notes data to a text file. The script below will export Domino Data using Lotus script to a text file. It will retrieve “notes.ini” variables and then send them to a text file.
'to prevent error for directory already created with mkdir line
On Error Resume Next
' Initialize variables
Dim session As NotesSession
Dim curdb As NotesDatabase
Dim ClientDataPath As String
Dim IdFileOnClient As String
Dim idFileNewOnClient As String
Dim ClientLocationDoc As String
Dim ClientMailSrv As String
Dim ClientMailFile As String
Dim wordobj As Variant
'Get session and database
Set session = New NotesSession
Set curdb = session.CurrentDatabase
' Get Client notes.ini information
ClientLocationDoc = session.GetEnvironmentString("Location",True)
ClientMailSrv = session.GetEnvironmentString("MailServer",True)
ClientMailFile = session.GetEnvironmentString("MailFile",True)
ClientDataPath = session.GetEnvironmentString("Directory",True)
IdFileOnClient = session.GetEnvironmentString("KeyFilename",True)
If Instr(idFileOnClient,"")<>0 Then
IdFileNewOnClient = Strrightback(IdFileOnClient,"")
idFileNewOnClient = IdFileOnClient
End If
'Create first text file
' Used to create first file
fileNum% = Freefile()
Mkdir "c:stagingr6"
fileName$ = "c:stagingr6notes.ini"
' Write But notes.ini information.
Open fileName$ For Output As fileNum%
Print #fileNum%, "[Notes]"
Print #fileNum%, "KitType=1"
Print #fileNum%, "SharedDataDirectory=C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication DataLotusNotesDataShared"
Print #fileNum%, "Directory=C:Documents and Settings%username%Application DataLotusNotesDataShared"
Print #fileNum%, "MailServer=" & ClientMailSrv
Print #fileNum%, "MailFile=" & ClientMailFile
Print #fileNum%, "Location=" & ClientLocationDoc
Print #fileNum%, "StackedIcons=1"
Print #fileNum%, "TCPIP=TCP,0,15,0"
Print #fileNum%, "Ports=TCPIP"
Print #fileNum%, "KeyFileName=" & IdFileNewOnClient
Print #fileNum%, "TemplateSetup=600400"
Print #fileNum%, "Setup=650200"
Close fileNum%
' Used to create second file
fileNum2% = Freefile()
fileName2$ = "c:stagingr6dataFolder.txt"
' Write put data folder location
Open fileName2$ For Output As fileNum2%
Print #fileNum2%, ClientDataPath
Close fileNum2%
End Sub