I'm about to start making maps simulator jquery.
I want to avoid probable problems.
I want to know if there are UI's readily available for maps simulator jquery or do I have to get them first?
Are UI’s readily available for maps simulator jquery?
Hello Jackie,
There might be user interfaces that already available online, but they might not suit the purpose that you want them for. They may be a good guidance though and therefore you can just download some of them for reference.
After that you can carry on with your project.
Are UI’s readily available for maps simulator jquery?
Hi there,
You can try and download it from this link http://softwaretopic.informer.com/maps-simulator-jquery/
You can also use jQuery mobile to control your map application.Using that platform you can also create a map simulator in jquery mobile.Â
You can also use it as a map finder and see the location points just like a map.
Please visit this site for further information http://www.web-maps.com/MobileFinder
Feel free to leave us a message whenever you encounter problems regarding this.