Error on my ASUS Installation Disk

Asked By 200 points N/A Posted on -

My Asus laptop was experiencing slow performance and so I decided to reformat it. The reformat process was successfully done but when I installed its drivers using the Asus CD Driver, my frustration had started.

 I had loaded and run the Assussetup.exe but in the middle of the installation process, it was interrupted with this error prompts “Cannot Execute Kernel Mode Drive Service” and “Can’t Load ASUSWIO.DLL.”

What is the matter with the CD driver?  I had already visited and consulted the ASUS service center to ask a help from them but it took time for them to respond. Therefore, I decided to post this concern in this site hoping that you can help me as soon as possible.

Thank you.

Best Answer by syfy_tech
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Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #111587

Error on my ASUS Installation Disk


Hi Culvert

There should be no problem if things are ok during the formatting of your laptop. After formatting try to install first the motherboard drivers before the Asus CD driver.

The problem may be solve with the following steps.

1. Format your laptop and if successfully done

2. Install the motherboard drivers.

3. Install the Asus CD Driver

4. If still doesn't work try removing the asusupdate program using start, add/remove programs, and then see how your cd rom disk works.

5. Just go the asus site and download the latest asus update program and load it.

I hope this will help.


Answered By 590495 points N/A #111588

Error on my ASUS Installation Disk


If you haven't done any changes in the BIOS of your ASUS laptop there should be no problem in installing its support applications. Since you are still experiencing some problems in the new installation might as well format it again. If you are using Windows XP, there is an option available in the installation of the bootable CD to delete the partition of the hard drive. If you see this, select the partition of drive C and then delete it.

After deleting it create a new partition for the new operating system. Use the newly-created partition for the new operating system that will be installed. When the setup presents you the options to format the partition, avoid using the quick format. Choose any file system and then format it normally.

After installing Windows you can now install the support disc of your ASUS laptop. Be sure to check on what Service Pack your operating system should run on so it will be compatible with the laptop’s support drivers.

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