Atoms sound technology for movie theaters.

Information of new Atoms sound technology for movie theaters has exposed which is one of the great innovations of Dolby.
When will this movie theater be available?

Information of new Atoms sound technology for movie theaters has exposed which is one of the great innovations of Dolby.
When will this movie theater be available?
It has been described as that "Atoms surround technology" is the most significant innovation in years. So you got the right point about Dolby’s new sound technology.
It works with feeds of 64 speakers and they are arranged around a theater. It pumps sound from the left and the right path and creating an unbelievable sound experience.
It specially adds new era with your horror movie sound ever and also it will be adding more sound realism to your video games. Actually it's most advantageous part is it will be available as a home movie theater. That is your attraction.
Actually Dolby authority just unveiled about the technology on this last Monday. So you have to wait about it appears in the
market. But you can keep up with this site about update of movie theater technology.
Dolby Atmos surround sound technology could transform video games
And Try here also
Hope this all makes you help.