Asked By
King Lopezs
30 points
Posted on - 10/11/2012
While I was creating my blog site template this error just showed up. I’m not sure if it’s the OS but this never happened in XP 32. This error showed up in Windows 7 64.
Is there something that I could do so that it would run properly in Windows 7 64?
Want to send error details to Artister?
Error: Attempted to read or write protected memory. Often this condition indicates that alter parts of memory are damaged.
Type: System.AccessViolationException
Attempted to read or write protected memory
Hi King,
 If it is running properly on 32 bit than there's a 32bit/64bit mismatch problem when using native libraries or dlls or software’s. According to my guess you are using any assemblies or dlls or libraries of 32 bit versions and make sure that the entire platform you are using is compatible with the 64 bit version.
Attempted to read or write protected memory
Hello Lopezs,
As you have mentioned you were not having this problem before so it could be a compatibility issue. I would suggest you go to your system properties and check the system specifications. You can use the system specs to find out the version you are using is similar to windows 7 64 or not. If not, then try to get the right version which supports your windows system. Hope this could be a help.