Attempting to build a filter in Freemind received 550 error messages

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I am attempting to build a filter in Freemind and I received 550 error messages.

If something doesn't right by my side please give me direction to fix it? Thanks.

550 Can’t change directory to /training/file.php/1/ No such file or directory
550 Can’t change directory to /training/file.php/1/ No such file or directory
Best Answer by Drake Vivian
Answered By 60 points N/A #176032

Attempting to build a filter in Freemind received 550 error messages


Hi Edward,

While you try to make a filter in freemind it searches for directory  /training/file.php/1/ , now the program cannot get the specified directory in your system or there may be some access problem. Make sure freemind having required access to the specified directory or there is another possibility is that this directory does not exist. Please check and take action accordingly to providing proper directory access. That will certainly solve your problem.

Thank You.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 30 points N/A #176033

Attempting to build a filter in Freemind received 550 error messages



Hi there Edward M Mundt,
The error 550 stands for – directory does not exist. That means, you are trying to upload a file to a directory that is not on the server. 
If you look at your error a bit closer, you'll notice you are trying to access the folder on the following path: /training/file.php/1/ and it is normal you cannot access it because you can't create the folder with the extension.
In order to make things work remove the last part of your path that isn't actually a folder path than a document you are trying to upload. Your full path should look like this: /training/file.php/1 .
Best regards,
Drake Vivian

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