Asked By
20 points
Posted on - 08/07/2011
I finished at my wits with this issue and hope that someone will facilitate American state out. For the past 3 or four weeks, this is often the matter that has been occurring. Sometimes my screen can go back, it says 'no signal' as if it were unplugged from the PC.
The sound conjointly extends on one bit for a couple of seconds then cuts out. The PC remains on although and therefore, the power light-weight doesn't pulse as if it were in sleep mode. I've noticed this downside happens most frequently whereas taking part in a video that has to lead American state to believe it is the graphics card. However, with the sound downside also I am unsure what it's.
What I accustomed to do was simply the power it off manually and begin it duplicate, and it might be fine for to a small degree where else. However, it has been happening. Therefore, often times I simply do not watch videos on my PC any longer. My PC may be an entryway DX4200-09, Quad core Processor, 4GB RAM and 640GB drive. The video card was bought one by one.
It's AN NVIDIA GeForce 9400 GT. My package is Windows seven. If I am forgetting any specs that may be useful to please let American state understand. I hope somebody out. There will facilitate American state figure this out I might rather simply replace the video card if that's the matter instead of bring it into a geek squad or one thing to work this out.
Thanks in advanced for any help!
Answered By
0 points
Audio and Video Problems when starting a video
Audio/Video problem when watching video
Before you replace your video adapter card, you may try these options first.
I am pretty sure that your problem is not the video adapter card.
If you have installed an audio and video codec files, try to remove them and then grab a new copy of your audio and video codec files from the internet and install it into your computer. Audio and video codec might be corrupted or their setting has been changed and doesn’t match your hardware profiles. I have this problem before but after reinstalling the audio and video codec files it works.
You must also try to un-install your audio and video driver. Sometimes drivers might be corrupted also. Be sure that the video and audio driver you are installing is compatible with your operating system. If you don’t have the copy of your hardware driver for your operating system, try to download it from the internet.
Re-installation of a new clean operating system might work also. Re-installation of a clean operating system will delete or remove all corrupted files such as DLLs which is the driver of your audio and video devise are lying on.
If you are watching videos from DVDs or CDs, be sure that your video copy or the disc is not worn out or it must be scratch free. Scratches on the disc may cause the optical drive hung-up and the screen goes blank or black and you will hear a sound like scratching balloons. Better to change your disc or buy a new one to avoid damage may occur on your optical drive.