Asked By
Eaana Albert
2105 points
Posted on - 11/04/2013
Audio icon gets disabled automatically even when i enable manually
I have Windows 7 OS and the audio gets a disabled mark on my taskbar right near the clock
What can i do to solve this issue
Can i have step by step instructions please
I click Unmute Speaker and then when i see back i shows as Muted
Audio icon gets disabled automatically even when i enable manually
Follow the following steps to check and resolve your issue:
Step 1:Check if Sound Card is installed or working.
Open Control Panel > System and Security > System > Device Manager
Double click on Sound, video and game controllers to expand. Look for your sound card. Could click on it to open properties and see whether it is working properly.
Step 2: Right-click on muted speaker sign on the desktop, open playback devices.
Under Playback devices, right click to check on show disabled devices and then enable speakers by right clicking it.
Step 3: Try System Restore
Open Start and then search Restore. Restore the system to previous check point and reboot the system.
Step 4: Regedit:
Open Regedit, and navigate to HkeyLocalMachine > Software > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > MMDevices > Audio > Renderer. Right click on any of the keys in the stack. Under Permissions tab of the properties dialogue, look for entity called 'AudioEndpointBuilder' and another one called 'Audioserv'. If they are absent, then you need to fix it through Command Prompt. Open Command Prompt as an administrator and type following commands to resolve the issue:
net localgroup Administrators /add networkservice
net localgroup Administrators /add localservice