I have a problem with Autocad 2012,
I have tried to look on Google with no luck so I thought I would try the forums; hopefully with a little more success.
See attached a screenshot.

FATAL ERROR: Unhandled Access Violation Reading 0x669a5f0
Exception at e57bfb59h
AutoCad 2012 Error: Unhandled Access Violation Reading 0x669a5f0
The possible cause of this error is because your computer was infected by Trojan horse which is the “about.blank: searchboot. So the possible thing to do that can solve this problem is to remove that, how? Download latest antivirus software or anti Trojan, malware software, then scan your computer, and then remove all suspected malicious program that will be scanned. If you still encounter the error, try other software that will scan your computer, I usually use malware bytes as my anti malicious program, try that. If any of those solutions didn’t work to your computer, you might need to reformat it.  Good luck to you.