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Posted on - 10/05/2011
When I try to view my devices and software when I start Measurement and Automation Explorer (MAX) I get this error message Data Dictionary Error Detected. So please anyone tell me what this message means and how to stop or fix it.
Error message:
Data Dictionary Error Detected
An error was detected in a data dictionary on your local system
An installed data dictionary is incompatible with a previous installed version.
This error may have been caused by a recently installed component.
See the following files for more information:
C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication DataNational InstrumentsMAXData DictionariesmxsSchemaError.log
C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication DataNational InstrumentsMAXData DictionariesmxsSchema.log
For more information about this issue, visit and enter the info code MAXSchemeError.
Automation Explorer Data Dictionary Error Detected
Check the application's system requirements to see if your system meets what is required.
If you have its installer CD load it in the CD/DVD-ROM drive and browse it with Windows Explorer.
Look for a readme file,
.nfo file or any text and document files in the CD that contains the list of the program’s minimum system requirements.
Read the list carefully and check if your system can handle the application and to see which devices need to be replaced and upgraded. Open any .nfo files with notepad by right-clicking on the file and choosing Open With.
If you already used Measurement and Automation Explorer before, and this is an unexpected error, try uninstalling the application and then run a disk check.
Right-click on drive C and then choose Properties.
Click the Tools tab.
Click the Check Now button.
Check the option Automatically fix file system errors and then click Start.
Wait for the disk check to finish and then install MAX again.