I am using win 7 on my laptop. I am using Avast antivirus to protect my laptop from virus. Yesterday when i scan my computer then i found some virus files on it when i searched about them i come to know that these files are of claro.exe virus. Now please tell me how to scan avast claro file from my laptop using Avast antivirus.
Avast claro scan on laptop
Thanks for sharing your problem with us, you can scan for the virus using avast in two different ways. You can scan your computer during booting or you can scan normally. If you want to make boot time scan than follow the following step:
1. Start Avast and in the left side click on Scan your computer.
2. Click on boot-time scan, now click on setting and select the Hard disk part that you want to scan.
3. And click on schedule now, your computer will restart and scan begins.
If you want to do it normally than you can do it by simply clicking on scan my computer button.
I hope this will help you.