Avatar Blu ray 3D movie

When will be the Avatar Blu ray version movie will be launched officially in the market.
I want to see that movie in 3D with complete picture quality.
Please tell me when it will be released.

When will be the Avatar Blu ray version movie will be launched officially in the market.
I want to see that movie in 3D with complete picture quality.
Please tell me when it will be released.
Hi mam
Avatar already the movie was released in 2009 the blu ray version will be released in October this year it will be first released in the US October 15 and in the UK October 16 the blu ray version of avatar was already released a long time ago but only for Panasonic Blu-ray players until James Cameron signed a deal with the other electronics company the avatar is the highest grossing film taking 2.7 billion $ the part 2 of the sequel will be filming this 2012 autumn.
The price on Amazon is 19-20$ per Box set.
Hope this helps.
Dear User,
The avatar will be released on October 2012 on Blu-ray 3D. And James Cameron has confirmed that.
The director made this announcement through a video on the Facebook page.
And this will be released on October 15th in US and October 16th in the UK.
Below is the YouTube video he posted on Facebook.
Thank you.