AVG 2014 Installer failed to load the resume file

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

Hi ally,

It’s not easy to get a free anti-virus in the market to protect a system from mal virus. With luck favoring I got one now the problem is I got stuck up with the error message ‘failed to load the resume file’ don’t know what to do with this error? Do I need to remove the old version before installing the new? Or simply I need to select the update option. Allies, you know how important is? Your opinion and solution is appreciated.

Image of the Error

Error Message in the Image

AVG 2014 Installer – Error: Failed to load the resume file

Installation cannot continue.

Error message: Specified file was not found.

Error code: 0XE001003D

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Answered By points N/A #178807

AVG 2014 Installer failed to load the resume file



Several times installation gives such weird errors. Here are its solutions.

1. If you have got any older version, uninstall it completely. Use AVG Remover Tool for better result.

2. Now, open “Registry Editor”. Navigate to following registry:


Remove AVG 2014 key.

3. Go to “%temp%” folder. Delete all the files there. If any files can’t be deleted, skip those.

Now run the installation process again. This will surely give no error.

Answered By 590495 points N/A #178808

AVG 2014 Installer failed to load the resume file


If you are installing AVG 2014, make sure your computer is not running on Microsoft Windows 8 or later because it is not supported. AVG 2014 works only with Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7 both x86 and x64. If you are using a compatible operating system and you are still getting this error, it is possible that the problem is with the installer.

The installation can’t seem to load a certain resume file which is maybe damaged or corrupted and possible, missing. But if the installer you are using was downloaded then it is not possible to have a missing file because normally download versions of the installers come only in one file. It is actually one compressed file that contains all the installation files of the application.

When the installer is executed, the file unpacks all the files in a temporary folder in the system drive and start the installation from there. So, if you downloaded your installer and it has a corrupted file, the installer is damaged. To make sure you will be using the correct installer, download AVG AntiVirus Free 2014.

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