Hey everyone,
I’m in trouble. I was importing some mp3 files to Avid Media Composer,and some of them failed to import.
The error message that appears looks like this:
Exception: File is not in the header-specified format.
Avid Media Composer
My guess is that the error is connected to ones who crashed, but I’m new to this particular problem so please feel free to send suggestions.
Thanks in advance.
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Avid Media Composer import fail
This error shows that the file you are trying to import, in your software, is not supported on acceptable format.
Please check that which types of the files your software can accept and then check about this one. if the file extension is not matched with acceptable formats then you can't open it.
Avid Media Composer import fail
The problem might have been with how you installed QuickTime. When you install it, what kind of installation did you use, because there is the minimum, the recommended, and the custom installation? This might be the possible cause of the problem since there is part-Quick time music, and that is a package which will install software that will add music support to Quick time.
When installing QuickTime you will need to make sure that everything in its installation package us installed and then try to import the files using the Avid Media Composer
The other way to solve that problem will be by using the fact the Avid Media Composer can be used to import mp3 only with CONSTANT bit rate, and not with variable bit rate, and therefore you will need to use another program to convert in some useful format.
-Clair Charles