Avira antivirus personal – not updating error occurred

Avira antivirus personal – not updating error occurred while trying to start updating (scheduler not loaded).
How to do it?
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Avira antivirus personal – not updating error occurred while trying to start updating (scheduler not loaded).
How to do it?
Expecting your reply.
Avira antivirus personal is not updating while trying to start updating. You have received the error message on your system for Avira antivirus. There are a few causes behind it. Initially your Windows Automatic Update option is turned off. If it is turned off it will not work. So enable the Windows Automatic Update option. It will automatically update the software. It will download all necessary systems files and lastly through a dialog box will request confirmation while installing the downloaded update software. So it is very simple to find all the software updated. Make sure that the net connection is not timed out.
I hope you understand it.
If there’s a problem when updating your Avira antivirus, you should try reinstalling it and this is also the best way of restoring the program. This problem is very normal and I sometimes experience it with my Norton Internet Security. Usually, what you do when you encounter an error like this while updating is close the program, restart your computer, and then update it again.
This is the usual routine I do whenever this happens. But if this doesn’t fix the problem, you may now uninstall the antivirus. Uninstall it then restart your computer. This is always the pattern when removing antivirus programs. After booting, go to “C:Program Files” then delete the installation folder of your antivirus if it is still there.
After that proceed on installing it again and then check if you can now update it. If you are still using the earlier version of Avira antivirus, try installing the latest version for a more optimized system monitoring. Visit Avira Free Download.