Avira Premium Security Suite – ‘ICMP Flooding’ message
Why does my Avira Premium Security Suite sometimes display this message "ICMP has flooded"
When I am connected to the wireless internet with a modem?
Why does my Avira Premium Security Suite sometimes display this message "ICMP has flooded"
When I am connected to the wireless internet with a modem?
The ICMP flood is also called as the Ping Attack. It often incurs when sending big ICMP Ping Packets to the server constantly. The result is, the server won't have the time to answer to other servers.
To resolve your problem, go to the configuration of Avira, click the Expert Mode > Firewall > Adapter Rules > ICMP Protocol. Change the value on the "Assume flooding if delay between packets is less than" from 50, change it to 150.
Click OK and then Apply.
Because of your Avira Premium Security Suite, its the one who is responsible for that ICMP flooded, you just need to do some adjustment on your Avira Premium Security Suite, go to Avira Configuration, click expert mode, firewall, adapter rules, ICMP Protocol, then at the assume flooding if delay between packets is less than change the setting from 50 to 5.
Then you have to do a complete scan for malware bytes and anti malware.
You will not encounter this message as soon as you have a change or do the adjustment on Avira Configuration.
ICMP flood is a form of attack on which it is a denial of service meaning they can do that by two types of attack the first one is the Dos Attack, and the other one is by using malware on which they flood or max out the processors so that it prevents any work from occurring, that is why it is advisable to scan your computer for possible malware attack on your computer system and you can do that by using the Avira Premium Security Suite.
Yes they are right. It is the result of a somewhat they call ping attack. This happens when your computer repeatedly sends big ICMP ping packets to the server that makes the server unable to respond to other requests. Normally, when you do ping a server or a website your computer only sends 32 bytes by default. But you can either change it to a little smaller or to a lot bigger. This ping attacks are mostly done by bots that have successfully infiltrated your system because of low security or you tried downloading and opening a file that possibly launched the bot.
I know there are lots of users who are using Avira but this is my first time to encounter a problem that causes their Avira antivirus to alert of an ICMP flooding. I don’t think Avira sends ping to different servers on a regular basis or repeatedly. Since you are using a wireless internet, check if you are running ping in a command prompt that continuously pings a server and check the amount of data being sent. It should be around 32 bytes or less if you manually specified it.
There are users using a wireless connection that repeatedly pings a website for the purpose of making the connection always active. If you do run the ping command to ping a website repeatedly then make sure to make the packets as small as possible or simply don’t specify any amount of data to send so your computer will send the default value. You should also check if you are running programs that require many connections like games, Skype, P2P applications, and other. If you do, simply reconfigure your antivirus similar to the first post.
Open the settings of Avira then go to Expert Mode and then switch to Firewall, and then Adapter rules. Select the interface you used to connect to the internet like for example WLAN, LAN, and others. Select ICMP Protocol after that then change the default value 50 ms to something like 150 ms or higher. After doing this check if the “ICMP flooding error” will now disappear. You may also run a full system scan on your entire computer to have a thorough sweep of your system.