Hello Whiz,
I think I have a problem with Virtual Dub, but I am not sure. When I try to open a script in Virtual Dub or WMP, I ended up with an error message. I get this error only after some time. For your information, I have Avisynth 2.5 version, DGMPGDec 1.5 version. Is any problem with the plug-in? Help me to fix this error. Please guide me to solution. Thanks.
Avisynth open failure: Evaluate: System exception – Access Violation (H:Taare Zameen parTaareZameenpar.avs, line 1)
Avisynth open failure Evaluate System exception
It seems that there is a problem in one particular file of Avisynth. If you are accessing Avisynth from a server, make sure you are still connected to the network because maybe in the middle of your work your connection gets disconnected and that’s when the error is triggered. Also, make sure you have full rights to access the program since the error is “access violation”.
Access violation happens if you don’t have enough rights to access that particular resource and your user account is only limited to some particular privilege. Try asking the network administrator to grant you full access to the program and to the drive of the resource you are trying to access. In case the application is actually stored on your local hard drive, close the application and restart your computer.
See if you can run the program after a reboot. In case the problem persists, reinstall Avisynth and VirtualDub or it would be better to just upgrade to the latest version. For Avisynth, download the latest version from Avisynth Revision 2. For VirtualDub, download the latest version from VirtualDub 1.10.4 Released.