Backing up files on Windows 7

What are the various ways of backing up files on Windows 7? Where can I obtain guidelines to go about the backup process?

What are the various ways of backing up files on Windows 7? Where can I obtain guidelines to go about the backup process?
Windows 7 provides integrated backup tools, which can be launched using the backup and restore application.A third party software need not be installed.
You can backup user data files, specific folders, image backups too, which are recoverable. You can save the backed up files in up to three different destinations including a network location, another internal hard drive, or an external drive. After clicking on backup and restore, under the Start menu, set up your backup facility, whose instructions are quite straightforward. Choose a backup destination or connect an external destination and hit the refresh button.
Choose the required files and manage the schedule of your backup. This schedule can also be turned off when not required. Restoring is also available in the same dialog box. Step by step guides is also available online, at